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2018 Engagements - Our favorite photos!

Joe and Jenny

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

engaged couple kissing while being framed between yellow flowers

The last few years we’ve always done an end of the year recap of all of the couples we’ve worked with for their wedding days! After a few years we can say it's something we look forward to. It feels like a tradition and something we intend on continuing for the future! For us it’s always a little mind blowing looking back over everything and recalling the the fun days, touching moments, and inspiring people. In retrospect, it always feels like a lot but in truth it’s only about half of the story. The rest of our days are filled with engagement sessions and we’ve grown quite fond of them in the past few years! While we love the rush and fast pace that comes with a big wedding, engagements allow you a chance to slow down and take it all in. For the couples we work with, it tends to be more intimate, less stressful (if at all), and considering some of the beautiful places we travel to around Asheville, it’s safe to say they’re pretty fun! These laid back environments allow us to better connect with people and for us, that’s the ultimate! So as this year came to a close, we decided we were going to share our favorite photo from every engagement/proposal session!

So what made these our favorites? As photographers, we both have our tendencies, likes, dislikes, pet peeves, and things that make us stop dead in our tracks and say OMG! It’s never the same for any couple, any location, lighting situation, or otherwise. Each new session lends itself to something fun and unique. Even locations that we’ve shot at a ton can change from shoot to shoot with the weather, seasons, changes in foliage, etc. Sometimes it was the moment right after a proposal when a couple was taking in all the excitement. Sometimes it was the awe-inspiring golden glow of the sun hitting just right. Sometimes it was the beautiful connection and passion between two people, and other times it was a perfect sunset. For each one of the photos we selected as our favorites, they spoke to our souls in a special way and all for different reasons. Along with all the engagements also comes all the feels, so scroll onward my friends, grab a tissue if needed, and enjoy!

man caressing his fiance's face in the windswept mountains
couple chugging a beer inside of an antique truck
couple laughing as the woman gives the man a piggy back ride
creative lighting silhouette of a couple resting foreheads on each other in front of magenta light
engaged couple cheering a beer in downtown Charlotte
engaged couple resting foreheads on each other and smiling
woman caressing her fiance in by his cheek during sunset
engaged couple grabbing each other's butts while looking at the mountains
man laughing at something his fiance said
couple touching foreheads in the hazy backlight
newly engaged couple smiling at each other while holding hands
engaged couple walking their dog during sunset in the mountains
woman crying moments after her fiance proposes
engaged couple kissing at the mouth of a tunnel
couple holding hands and walking along a creek
engaged couple holding hands and walking into the foggy woods
older couple holding hands and walking beside a lake
engaged couple standing in front of a graffiti wall
a woman crying one she realizes her boyfriend is proposing
a woman laughing as her fiance wraps her up from behind
woman smiling as her fiance kisses her on the temple during sunset
engaged couple standing in front of a river laughing
woman laughing after her fiance whispers in her ear
man leading his fiance across a river
man proposing to his girlfriend in front of a waterfall
couple going in for a kiss
couple laughing as the man hugs the woman from behind
couple kissing in front of a fountain in downtown Savannah
woman kissing her fiance on the cheek
man nestling up on his fiance during golden hour
environmental portrait of a couple holding each other close in the mountains
couple kissing in the windswept mountains of Tennessee
couple going in for a kiss at the biltmore
woman hugging her fiance from behind as they look at the mountains
woman laughing as her fiance sits on stairs and holds her
sunburst coming through the trees as a man kisses his fiance's temple
engaged couple holding each other close and laughing
engaged couple sitting together as traffic blurs by
woman smiling at the camera as her fiance holds her close
man kissing his fiance's temple in front of the fall foliage
engaged couple walking together at the biltmore during the fall
backlit dramatic lighting image or a couple holding each other in the woods
engaged couple sitting on a fence and going in for a kiss
man kissing his fiance on the temple while hugging her in a field of flowers
woman laughing as she wraps around her fiance's arm
engaged couple sitting on a front porch laughing as the sun bursts through
couple's dog in the foreground as they kiss in the background
man smiling moments after proposing to his girlfriend
man and woman holding hands while he kisses her at the biltmore
engaged couple kissing on the south terrace at the biiltmore
engaged couple kissing at the biltmore underneath pink flowers
engaged couple walking through the fall colored trees together
woman's hair blowing in the wind as her fiance holds her close
man twirling his fiance on a mountain top during sunset
very close portrait of a couples eyes side by side
engaged couple laughing as they walk on the blue ridge parkway
leading line shot of railing leading to a couple kissing
engaged couple kissing underneath a bridge in Asheville
a man kissing his fiance on top of the head in front of a waterfall
sunset portrait of a couple holding hands in front of the mountains
man twirling his fiance in her dress in front of the mountains
a man proposing to his fiance in front of the biltmore as they hold their dog
couple kissing during sunset at hawksbill mountain trail
man snuggling up on his fiance during sunset at craggy gardens
couple holding hands underneath an umbrella surrounded by flowers
couple kissing on the edge of a cliff
woman holding her fiance close at the biltmore

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